Our Mission Statement

At the Future Automotive Group, we are committed to treating customers and employees as valued members of the Future Automotive Group Family. We will always provide the highest quality products and services, as we (1) exceed expectations, (2) build lifelong relationships, and (3) continuously improve all aspects of our profession.

Future Automotive Group Core Values


Have the drive to succeed in order to meet goals and see results. Be persistent and determined in all duties. Deliver high quality services. Lean in to innovation and excellence. Continue to build our culture.


Lead with complete transparency and respect. Be responsible. Build trust and relationships. Have open, clear communication internally, as well as externally with customers.


Be honest, respectful, inclusive and compassionate. Have strong moral principles. Always behave ethically and do what is right. Take accountability for actions and always strive to do better.

Acts of Service

Serve customers to earn their complete satisfaction. Be a team player. Provide for your family and loved ones. Support the community. Maintain a happy, positive and professional workplace.


Adjust to new conditions and be flexible during change. Turn a setback into an opportunity, or moment of growth. Turn a failure into a success. Find solutions to problems. Continue to listen and learn.

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